Truidore performing at the Tranzac in 2010.
Conconqudiore Truidore & the elastic backfire - LP (w/CD-r)
Truidore's 3rd record, reeleased 2010.
Macabre Macaw/Get Sung CD
Truidore's second album, available on a split CD with Lanterns.

Conconquidore Truidore is something made up.
Melodies are sung or whistled and then translated onto various instruments*. The band is directed by one, and stars 5 more**. Sometimes the players play what's written for them. Other times they play for themselves until the director stops them and says "Perfect, again!" It is somewhat theatrical, aiming to sound like images, a soundtrack to itself. Some sounds are secretly borrowed from the world. Some melodies have been dreamt and some lyrics have been hallucinated. Some words are made up, and some syllables are sung strangely to sound wrong. It is full of subliminal code. Not. Its favourite instruments are those that can be played in parks. Its favourite concepts are those that "serve as the axe for the frozen sea within us." It longs for a dignified colour palette, but can't seem to say no to any colour. It longs longer and longer everyday.
* guitars, pianos, flutes, banjos, harmonicas, erhus, saxophones, accordions jembes, sound recordings (Etc)
** Rob Cole, Julia Carney, Kyle McQueston, Alexander R. Arvelo McQuaig, Nicholas Kerr, Tristan Murphy, Courtney Arthur, Paul Castrodale (Etc).
Hightail Tales CD-r
The very first Conconquidore Truidore record, reeleased as a CD-r, 2005. Still available as a handmade reelease.
^ this is see and pee linton murphy